Wisdom Tooth Extraction In Singapore
What Does Wisdom Tooth Removal In Singapore Entail?

The excruciating pain some people feel will cause them to move immediately to the phone in frantic search for a dentist who can end the pain NOW.
It’s so uncomfortable and uneasy for so many people that “wisdom tooth extraction” has become a popular search term in Singapore.
This article sheds light on some of the pressing questions and concerns people have towards this procedure…
Your mouth will go through some major changes in your lifetime; one of these major milestones is the development of your wisdom teeth between the ages of 17 and 21.
This third set of molars erupts through the gemlike at an older age, resulting in them being labeled “wisdom teeth”.
When wisdom teeth grow in correctly, there is little cause for concern. There are times when they are positioned sideways in the gum line or even impacted, which means that they don’t erupt through the gums as planned.
There is risk for developing infections or loosening other teeth if these wisdom teeth are not corrected.
Wisdom Tooth Extractions and Removals
The easiest method of dealing with problem wisdom teeth is extraction. Extraction is the surgical removal of teeth. Often, the type of extraction performed is directly linked to how your wisdom teeth are growing in.
Wisdom tooth removal is considered an expected procedure for most people in their early twenties, with the decision of extraction vs surgery being made on a case by case basis.

Your dentist will look for the following situations and make the determination on how to safely remove your wisdom teeth:
1. Eruption—if a tooth has erupted through the gum line, it can most likely be removed like any other tooth extraction. You may not even need local anesthetic to do so.
2. Soft tissue cover—at times, a tooth is covered by soft tissue that needs to be opened to facilitate extraction. An incision is made in gum tissue and it is peeled back to expose the impacted tooth. The tooth will then be extracted and the incision sewn back up once more.
3. Partial bone cover–this impacted wisdom tooth is partially encased in the jawbone; an incision will be cut in soft tissue and the bone will be shaved away around the tooth to facilitate easier extraction.
4. Complete bone cover—the tooth is completely encased in the jaw bone. This is the most complicated type of impacted wisdom tooth removal, with incisions in soft tissue and bone shaving taking place, and the wisdom tooth itself may be cut into several pieces to facilitate easier removal.
Frequently Asked Questions
These are the most common questions that patients from Singapore have for the liposuction (and some of the best answers you’ll find online):
Wisdom teeth can come in normally and be functional for years before they become a problem. If you dentist sees on an x-ray that they will eventually cause structural damage or issues with alignment in your mouth, he/she will schedule removal while you are still relatively young, as your mouth will tend to heal quicker. If you are experiencing pain, swelling, nerve issues, or other discomfort that is being caused by your wisdom teeth, it is best to schedule an appointment with your dentist to see what the “root” cause of your pain is and schedule removal accordingly.
Most dentists pride themselves on using techniques and technologies that facilitate painless teeth extraction, but not all procedures are pain free. Discuss your concerns with your dentist and formulate a pre and post care plan to help you undergo your procedure and subsequent healing with as much comfort as possible. You can ask for sedation in cases where you think removal might be too difficult to do while awake; this is relatively easy and requires minimal downtime. The bottom line is, it is largely up to you to determine what kind of experience you will have in the dentist’s chair.
Your dentist may use different types of anesthesia, depending on the perceived complexity of your removal procedure. Options for numbing and anesthesia include:
Local anesthesia
Your dentist will administer local anesthesia with several different injections designed to numb only the site where he will be working. Before receiving injections, your dentist may also administer a topical numbing agent to reduce discomfort at your injection sites, making local anesthetic a snap.
Sedation anesthesia
Sedation anesthesia is a light anesthesia given via an IV in your arm. You will have no memory of the procedure, and you will also have local anesthetic to help facilitate the healing process after your work has been completed.
General anesthesia
With special considerations, you will be given general anesthesia. You’ll likely be sedated by inhaling a sedative through your nose, then given an IV sedative to remain under when your dentist performs his extraction procedure. Your care team will be monitoring your vitals throughout the procedure, and you’ll have no memory of it upon waking. You might also be given local anesthetic to reduce discomfort upon waking.
The cost of wisdom tooth removal in Singapore varies according to the type of procedure you are undergoing and the type of care you wish to receive. In general, government run institutions have costs that range in price from $600-$950, while those who wish to get care from privately owned institutions may pay anywhere from $800-$2200, depending on your type of procedure. If you have a Medisave account, this could help offset your costs when it comes time to pay for surgery.
While both public and private care do an adequate job of addressing concerns related to wisdom tooth removal, there is a marked difference in the speed at which appointments are made and care is administered. Government institutions tend to cater to a larger audience, so it may take additional time to address your concerns. Private institutions do have smaller clientele, so they can typically address patient needs and concerns more efficiently than government-owned practices. You alone must decide what type of care you desire, and choose a dentist and a practice that work well for you.
After your procedure, you will likely be brought to a recovery room where you can allow the effects of anesthesia to pass. Local anesthesia alone will allow you to leave the dental chair almost immediately after the procedure is completed.
Follow your dentist’s instructions with regard to:
There is likely to be oozing and bleeding in the days following surgery; try to avoid spitting, as you could actually dislodge any blood clots that are forming as part of the healing process. Replace gauze as directed by your surgeon to ensure that you are healing properly.
Pain management
Your dentist will most likely prescribe a combination of pain medication and Tylenol as part of your treatment protocol. Take medicines at the correct times and as prescribed to keep a tight rein on any pain that you may experience in the days and weeks after surgery. Holding a cold pack on your jaw can also numb pain if you need a little extra relief from time to time.
Swelling or bruising
There will most likely be swelling in the days following surgery; use an ice pack to relieve swelling, and it should subside in a few days. If the swelling is accompanied by pain or drainage from your surgical site, contact your dentist to find out if further action is needed.
Activity, food and drink
Plan to rest for the first few days following your surgery—drinking lots of water and eating soft foods will keep your surgical site intact and facilitate healing. Avoid carbonated, caffeinated, and alcoholic beverages, and do not drink from a straw, as that could cause a painful condition called dry socket to develop. Make sure you clean your mouth gently but thoroughly, as extra food particles can cause buildup of bacteria and infection that will put a damper on healing.
Make your appointment
Virtually painless teeth extraction is to be expected when you get your wisdom teeth removed; talking to your dentist beforehand about questions and concerns you may have will help you as you approach your extraction date. Your mouth–and your health—will thank you!
If you’ve found this article while searching for “wisdom tooth extraction Singapore”, we hope it has satisfied your quest to learn more about this highly popular procedure.