Best Treatment Reviews Singapore

 Chiropractic is one of the best forms of alternative, complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and treatment of misaligned joints, especially in the spine, under the popular belief that this type of disorder can affect the general health (

The main treatment involves manual therapy of the spine, other joints, and soft tissues. The idea of chiropractic therapy has little medical foundation, but the practice is very popular among the patients. Some of whom swear by the miracles of this form of treatment.

In Singapore, there are a lot of centers where the best chiropractors are performing this treatment. Some of the patients are very skeptical about this form of treatment and there is not enough data to establish the safety of the procedure.

These are the frequently asked questions on the about chiropractic care.

The specialist who performs chiropractic is named chiropractor. The chiropractor is a primary health contact provider just like the family doctor, dentist or gynecologist. No one needs a referral to go to chiropractic treatment. In a lot of cases, the insurance doesn’t cover the treatment, but it may cost less if the patient has some private insurance coverage.

A great percent of the Singapore citizens have felt some back pain during their lifetime and they have a lot of reasons to undergo chiropractic, such as work accidents or sports injuries. Chiropractic may help you deal with the pain and maintain a healthy spine and joint function. These are the most common reasons why the people of Singapore are visiting chiropractors: arthritis, general health benefits, headache, back pain, neck pain and work and sports injuries.

This method will help you improve the movements in the neck, shoulders, and back. You will be able to maintain a good body posture. It will help you prevent muscle injuries, headaches and it will correct the foot problems. All of these are based only on patients’ experiences because there is no scientific proof that chiropractic helps in such cases.

This treatment is one of the most popular, widely recognized alternative treatments available for the neuromusculoskeletal system.. The risks connected to the chiropractic are very small, but some patients may experience stiffness and muscle ache after the treatment. It’s very important to choose a well-educated and trained chiropractor. The patient who wants to undergo the treatment needs to check their general health before, especially for cardiovascular conditions.

Children may have some benefits from chiropractic treatments. This method of treatment is always adapted to each individual case. The chiropractor needs to be very gentle with children. It’s best to modulate pressure when working with kids.

X-rays can play an important role in this treatment. Chiropractors also have a knowledge in radiology and know how to interpret X-rays, to diagnose the condition and to decide which chiropractic treatment will perform for the patient.

If you have some problem that you think chiropractic will help, you can ask your friends, coworkers or your doctor to recommend some good chiropractor. The chiropractors from Singapore are usually members of The Chiropractic Association of Singapore. The patient can find the best chiropractors at the Academy of Chiropractic Clinic, Asia Chiropractic Health Services, Genesis Chiropractic, Chiropractic First – Parkway Parade Clinic and so on.

Chiropractic is an independent profession that needs a proper training. The good and accredited chiropractor needs to have a CCE-I training certificate, which is an international standard training for chiropractors.

The Ministry of Health of Singapore has approved of chiropractic care in 2002 with revision in 2005 and 2007. 

The members of The Chiropractic Association have duties to respect the patients, but at the same time, they can choose who will they accept or reject as a patient. 

The patients need to make a brief research and then to choose the best chiropractic expert for their particular case.

If you’ve discovered this article while searching for “chiropractor singapore” our hope is this page has answered most of your questions about chiropractic treatment. 

If you would like to know more about physion, please head to our physiotherapy singapore page.